#ChuCulture; #ChuState; #ChuTiantai; #HistoricalCulture; #CulturalPromotion
#文旅宣传; #楚文化; #楚国; #楚天台; #历史文化; #文化推广
This one-minute loop animation chronicles the Chu people’s rise from inception to prosperity, showcasing their remarkable achievements in bronze casting, literature, art, and astronomy. It aims to spark visitors’ interest and curiosity in Chu culture, enhancing the allure of Chu Tiantai as a travel destination.
1分钟循环动画短片, 展示楚族从诞生到兴盛的历程, 以及楚国在青铜冶铸、文学艺术、天文观测等领域的卓越成就,激发游客对楚文化的兴趣和好奇心,从而增加旅游目的地楚天台的吸引力。
In ancient times, Zhurong struck stones to kindle fire, igniting the civilization of the Chu. King Zhuang of Chu drank with his steed by the Yellow River, as the Chu state’s dominance soared high like the midday sun. Unmatched in bronze metallurgy, the verses of Chu Ci resonated with exquisite beauty. The people of Chu gazed upon the heavens, unraveling the mysteries of the twenty-eight constellations.